Ocean Aire Hemp Farm Logo

Fascinated in self-sufficiency, my parents moved to North Carolina with the dream of establishing their own farm to grow their own produce. In 2017, my family founded Ocean Aire Hemp Farms (OAHF) to share the therapeutic properties of CBD oil with the community. Since its inception, I have been involved, both in the field and in the digital space, most notably in the company logo.

Software Used:

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Weebly

  • Squarespace

Ocean Aire Hemp Farm company logo.


The logo was inspired by the unorthodox fertilization methods employed by my father in his grand land enrichment experiment which uses locally sourced fish cull to enrich the soil with nutrients. Becoming a staple of the company identity, I used fish to construct the image of a simplified hemp leaf. In 2020, the first iteration of the logo was painted on a sign used for the company stand stationed in local farmers’ markets across Carteret County. The same image was later digitized in 2023 for a cleaner and more refreshed look with plans to further simplify later.

The company website was also created using Weebly in 2020 while I was still in college. Since then, I have helped with some of the Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) features and lent design advice. In 2023, I have aspirations to overhaul the website by switching from Weebly to Squarespace, revamping the overall design, and working on product design.


My family has always been supportive of my creations and life ambitions. This project has been a great way to further connect and give back in that support. It has also been a great exercise in checking my own work and seeing what needs improvement.


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